FASHIONbrentb8_wp2017-05-25T21:02:35+00:00 SHOOTING PEOPLE IS MY PASSION Nothing brings photography to life better than photos of people. I love to set the stage for the models to feel comfortable, relaxed & ready to bring their true self. Then the clothes or jewelry speaks for itself. MORE FROM THE AVADA COLLECTIONbrentb8_wp2017-05-25T19:47:54+00:00 LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPEMountainbrentb8_wp2018-03-01T18:11:06+00:00 STUDIO STUDIOSTUDIObrentb8_wp2018-03-01T18:07:11+00:00 BUSINESS BUSINESSBUSINESS, COMMERCIALbrentb8_wp2018-03-01T18:23:16+00:00 ARCHITECTURE / INTERIOR DESIGN ARCHITECTURE / INTERIOR DESIGNArchitecture, Buildings, Interiorsbrentb8_wp2017-05-25T19:44:53+00:00 PEOPLE PEOPLEbrentb8_wp2017-05-25T19:44:21+00:00 FOOD FOODFood
brentb8_wp2018-03-01T18:23:16+00:00 ARCHITECTURE / INTERIOR DESIGN ARCHITECTURE / INTERIOR DESIGNArchitecture, Buildings, Interiors